The “Forget Me Not” Typeface

Sans Forgetica - A new font to remember...
example of sans forgetica font in use

A new font called Sans Forgetica has been developed by researchers at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology’s School of Design using design principles developed through research in cognitive psychology.

Will this font help you to remember what you read?

The designers of the new type claim that this newly developed font family should be helpful for people to remember what they read as it forces the brain to be more attentive by slowing down brain to understand what it is reading. It was specially designed to help the reader retain information and remember typed study notes and considered to be the world’s first font designed to help us retain what we read.

In july 2019, Stephen Banham and Dr Janneke Blijlevens from RMIT received an award at the 61st Good Design Awards for the Best In Class Accolade in the Communication Design Category.

From my early days as a Printing Compositor apprentice, I learnt to appreciate how much maths and psychology is behind the design of font types. It is interesting to see that the science continues to evolve in this area, and a point of pride that this has been developed in Australia.

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