SEO is not as mysterious as some people may tell you. It involves a lot of research and providing clarity for search engines...

What is SEO?

This is an area of internet crafting that has many areas within it. There is no single SEO answer to making your website popular on the internet and its search engines, except by making a well designed site with many link references and description attributes, along with much well-researched content included.

Content is the key

Every website is scanned by search engines like Google. Sites that are stale, unoriginal in content, uninformative and not engaging are assessed by search engines and ranked accordingly to be offered up in the search query results. Keywords, keyword terms and Keyword phrasing are a very important component of your website.

The fast fix

Think organic and think artificial. Your website, your referrals on the internet, your interest – this is organic SEO. The artificial promotion of your website is where your backlinks are installed on some irrelevant and obviously dodgy internet site.

Some SEO companies will tell you that they will get you on page 1 of google search very quickly. They may proclaim to know Google better than Google does itself. Nobody knows Google like Google and Google don’t give away the criteria that they assess websites by in their algorithms – that is their trade secret. SEO companies may achieve a great outcome in the short term, but if it is done incorrectly, your domain name will pay for it in the long term with being ranked down or even blacklisted for bad or “blackhat” SEO techniques. If you stop paying for SEO services, then the maintenance of fixing the problems stops, thus leaving the bad eggs to be discovered in the next indexing by Google. It can be a very expensive solution, but Paid Per Click options like adwords may be a better alternative, so do some thorough homework and ask whether your website will be assessed and worked with first. Keep in mind that the cost of SEO services can be way of proportion to the cost and time in designing and building a website, so ask what is the work in hours and tasks that is actually being done for SEO?

Fast-fix solutions will always come at a greater cost later on, so look for real examples, real testimonials and find real evidence for any promises made to improve your search engine results. Our experience has been good with some SEO people but it is World Wild West out there and cowboys are everywhere.

What is SEO?

This is an area of internet crafting that has many areas within it. There is no single SEO answer to making your website popular on the internet and its search engines, except by making a well designed site with many link references and description attributes, along with much well-researched content included.

Content is the key

Every website is scanned by search engines like Google. Sites that are stale, unoriginal in content, uninformative and not engaging are assessed by search engines and ranked accordingly to be offered up in the search query results. Keywords, keyword terms and Keyword phrasing are a very important component of your website.

The fast fix

Think organic and think artificial. Your website, your referrals on the internet, your interest – this is organic SEO. The artificial promotion of your website is where your backlinks are installed on some irrelevant and obviously dodgy internet site.Some SEO companies will tell you that they will get you on page 1 of google search very quickly. They may proclaim to know Google better than Google does itself. Nobody knows Google like Google and Google don’t give away the criteria that they assess websites by in their algorithms – that is their trade secret. SEO companies may achieve a great outcome in the short term, but if it is done incorrectly, your domain name will pay for it in the long term with being ranked down or even blacklisted for bad or “blackhat” SEO techniques. If you stop paying for SEO services, then the maintenance of fixing the problems stops, thus leaving the bad eggs to be discovered in the next indexing by Google. It can be a very expensive solution, but Paid Per Click options like adwords may be a better alternative, so do some thorough homework and ask whether your website will be assessed and worked with first. Keep in mind that the cost of SEO services can be way of proportion to the cost and time in designing and building a website, so ask what is the work in hours and tasks that is actually being done for SEO?Fast-fix solutions will always come at a greater cost later on, so look for real examples, real testimonials and find real evidence for any promises made to improve your search engine results. Our experience has been good with some SEO people but it is World Wild West out there and cowboys are everywhere. 

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